

One of Capri's core features is that it supports partial hydration, also known as islands architecture. This means that Capri sites will by default ship zero KB of JavaScript to the browser. If you need some interactivity on your pages, you can selectively hydrate these components.

All you have to do to create an island is to name your component *.island.*. Refer to the docs for island examples in various UI frameworks.

Breaking Change

Since Capri v4 islands must be the default export.


You might sometimes want to create dynamic islands that in turn contain static content. In Capri you have to options to do this:

1.) Pass the static content as children to your islands. When hydrated, Capri will replace the children by a component that renders the original HTML as it was generated on the server.

2.) Create a lagoon. By naming a component *.lagoon.* you can mark it as static, and it will never be included in a client JavaScript bundle. Instead, it will be replaced by a component that renders the HTML as it was originally rendered by the server.

Island options

You can customize the hydration behaviour by exporting an options object.

media: string

Only hydrate the component when the given media query matches. In the following example the hydration of the component will be deferred until the viewport width gets below 700 pixels:

// BurgerMenu.island.tsx

export const options = {
  media: "(max-width: 700px)",

export default function BurgerMenu() {
  // ...

In a Svelte component, it would look like this:

<script context="module">
  export const options = {
    media: "(max-width: 700px)",

<!-- ... -->
Stay tuned

We are planing to add more options, for example to only hydrate islands that are within the viewport.

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