

TinaCMS is an open source, Git-backed CMS that adds a custom visual editing experience to a site.

While Tina is originally made for Next.js sites, it can also be used as content source for Capri.

When used with Capri, you get a completely static site that does not need a Node server and can be deployed to any static hosting service, including S3, GitHub Pages, surge or Firebase Hosting.

The cool thing is that the resulting website will ship zero KB of JavaScript to the browser. Still, under /admin you get the full Tina editing experience as single page app!

The easiest way to get started is by using the 1-click starter. First go to and sign in with your GitHub account. Then click on the deploy button below:

Deploy with Vercel

Here is a screencast of what will happen when you click the button:

The source code for this demo is on GitHub.

There is also a stripped down version that contains only the bar minimum code.

Things to note

The official TinaCMS starter templates are all based on Next.js. In order to make them work with Capri, a few things need to be changed.


In contrast to Next.js, Capri has no built-in routing solution. Since the Tina admin UI uses React Router it makes sense to use it for the website too.

Data fetching

In Next.js data is fetched externally and passed to the pages as props. With Capri, every component can fetch its own data. Capri uses suspense to wait for the asynchronously loaded data so that it can be included in the rendered result. You can use any data fetching library with suspense support. For the Tina starters we chose SWR.

CommonJS vs. ESM

By default, Capri sites use "type": "module" in their package.json. As Tina does not work well in a native ESM environment, the easiest solution is to use CommonJS for the whole project.

Some more trickery is needed to get everything working with Vite. One of the dependencies uses moment.js which is not very ESM-friendly. Luckily, we can fix this by setting up an alias. Another dependency tries to read process.platform which is not exposed by Vite, so we have to define it, too. The final vite.config.ts looks like this:

import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig(async () => {
  // Since Capri is ESM-only we have to use usa a dynamic import:
  const { default: capri } = await import("@capri-js/react/vite-plugin");
  return {
    plugins: [
        ssrFormat: "commonjs", // Generate the SSR bundle as CommonJS
        spa: "/admin",
    // Fix moment.js by explicitly importing the CJS version
    resolve: {
      alias: [{ find: "moment", replacement: "moment/moment.js" }],
    define: {
      "process.platform": "'browser'",
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